Phil Greenwood FCA

Phil has many years experience as a Finance Director as well as private practice. This means that he has a pragmatic approach to your business' needs. His advice will not just be technically competent but will be tailored to you. This means that any action can be seamlessly incorporated into your current operation.
His aim is to make the compliance function support the business’ operations, rather that the other way round. Thus, for insurance companies, Phil will ensure that all Solvency II projects enhance risk management as well as complying with the regulators rulebook. Any management or financial reporting systems Phil designs will produce information that helps management decision-making. It will also be efficient, minimising operational costs, as well as being fully auditable.
Phil trained as a chartered accountant in Ipswich, at first with Ensors and then with Ernst & Young.
Following qualification he joined a listed property company and during his time there he developed the reporting and project management systems. As a result of these developments the group had more control over its statutory reporting and its development costs. This helped the group to select developments that would produce a satisfactory return on capital.
Phil has been the Finance Director of a Marine Mutual insuring third party shipping risks throughout the world. During his time there the Insurance sector saw many changes. Some of these have been brought about by changing patterns in world trade, with the emergence of the new economies of China and India, and others from increasing regulation. To meet this Phil needed to introduce new procedures and governance that not only achieved regulatory compliance but also helped the company to remain competitive. Key to this was the development of a new business information department that provided senior management with the information they needed to make strategic decisions.
Phil was educated at Clare College, Cambridge and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Phil enjoys watching football, rugby and cricket. He is currently learning how to play golf. Phil is involved in the local community coaching and refereeing youth rugby.
Further details are available on request, please use the form on the contact page.