Phil Greenwood FCA
Phil has many years experience as a finance director as well as private practice. This means that in addition to technical expertise he brings a pragmatic approach.
Phil trained as a chartered accountant in Ipswich, at first with Ensors and then with Ernst & Young. This was followed by senior financial roles in a variety of industries including, property, regulation and insurance. In each of these roles he developed the reporting function so that senior management had the information they needed in order to make business decisions.
In addition Phil has developed actuarial skills and has been involved in capital modelling, reserving and pricing. Phil has been involved in successful ICA submissions.
Phil has developed considerable expertise in Risk Management, including an in depth knowledge of the Solvency II project.
Clients include;
- Aviva plc
- P&I Clubs
- Manufacturing co-operative
- Radio stations
- Consultancies
- Hire companies
- Theatre start-ups
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